Long post this time:
We're going over different ways to get money for club improvement.
We need to get more computer desks, electronics programing devices/chips, Servos, paints and a large display.
We're looking at the
Senario AL-100 Torpedo Entertainment and Game Projector
Sexy, huh?
We're making weekly "Blood drives" to Great Falls and each trip is getting us about $100 for the club. If you want to get in on this, contact saintmeh@gmail.com. This counts towards your HP. We hold a meeting on the way there, meet with others when we arrive
We also rent out 20 sq(4x5) feet of physical hackspace with a $30 mehmbership. Haha! Get it? no?.. well.. I thought it was funny.
We're also taking preregistration for advanced programming/reverse engineering courses. Lesson's cost either $20 or 100 HackspacePoints(HP).
This month's Public Outreach Security Training is going to be about Online EULAs:

We will discuss two topics:
Public benefit--EULAs( Ferret):
1 What a EULA is
2 What it normally says
3 Important areas of reading for your average Joe
4 What it can't say and how you can protect your rights.
Nerd Benefit--How to set up a darknet( Saint):
1 What is the first amendment and why was it put in place?
2 Is it under attack. If so, how?
3 What are our options?
4 Darknet installations
5 Choosing your friends wisely(read paranoidly).
6 Next topics will be "Naked In Cyberspace--Verifying someone's identity"
We have a secure sign-in for the EULA presentation. This proves to grant funders that we're doing a public service. We also intend to have suggestion boxes inside and outside the door. Everyone is invited to this. This is a great way to meet MEHmbers regarding potential tutelage, work space and/or computer usage.
The POST is in the large meeting room in the Library at 6 on Sunday the 28th.