Thursday, June 12, 2014



 We are christening Hackspace Delta 3(the fourth hackerspace location).  Meet up with coders, networkers, hackers and geeks!

Remember back in the day when we used to have awkward barbeques hastily thrown together at the last minute?  Well things have CHANGED!  Now we have awkward barbecues hastily thrown together at the last minute!  Notice the spelling?  It's more appropriate for the locale and setting.

Same insanity.  Same time.  More channels.

Ingredients we have:
  • Burgers (lots)
  • Hot Dogs
  • Buns for both
  • Cheese
  • Ketchup
  • Mustard
  • Mana/Health potions fitted into pre-boiled antique medicine bottles.  If you're lucky, you'll get some morphine!  Really just Monster energy drink.

People have already volunteered to get:
  • Propane Grill w/Propane
  • Chips
  • Mayo
  • Coleslaw
  • Potato Salad
  • Tomatoes

We need:
  • Deserts
  • Home-made dishes
  • Paper Cups
  • People
  • Weird things to play with
  • Internet

The address is 30 S. Ewing

Meet at the new place.  The location is extremely tucked away.  You can arrive by turning into the Tower Hill apartment complex.  If there's no parking, try the next parking lot south of there. 

Bring your family, bring your kids(I can't guarantee they'll be entertained), bring your friends, bring your friend's friends.  The yard is not completely fenced in.  We have two slightly damaged staircases.  We don't have insurance for the new place yet.  If your kid gets hurt on the unpadded corners of life, warrior up and accept responsibility.

What: BBQ for nerds
Where: 30 S. Ewing
When:  Saturday, June 14th @3:30PM

Contact if you want to bring something or if you have any questions.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Wow! We grew AGAIN!

We are now upgrading to a new hackerspace!

31 W. Ewing St.  Suite #200(we have an entire floor!).  2642sqft.  Yes, that's 2600 + 42 square feet.  Isn't that just the meaning of life?

The location is almost three times larger than our current one.  Somehow, it's not on Google Street View :P.  Pictures are better than words:
We have a couple rooms like the one above.  This one will be the A/V room for movies, Dungeons and Dragons, Anime Night, etc.  We'll keep our loud and messy entertainment here.  The other room is an equal size and on the opposite side of the building.  It will be used for computer lab.  It should be quiet and clean.

This is the main lobby.  This is where we will welcome people and socialize. We have 9 rooms.  Each room is the size of our old tiny hackerspace on Helena Ave.  We have our own doors, so we can directly control access.  This will also help with membership dues.  /me cackles.

Bathroom is not ADA compliant... but our wheelchaired member will be fine.

View of the secondary parking lot from the hydroponics corridor.  We like to push the limits of space-age agriculture.

We have seven parking spaces up top.  Three nearest the door will be handicap only.  The yard is ours as well as a two terrace garden(soon to be three terraces).  This yard is where we are going to stage another larger and not-yet-ready-to-publicize project.

When can we move in?  Well... I had some minor negotiations with the lease, but I've finally signed it yesterday.  The land owners are very considerate and they worked with me on each point.  I think we got almost everything we wanted.  I didn't get Air Conditioning in the lease because we were running out of time.  That's a later discussion.  August will get hot for us... but that will be survivable until next year when we re-negotiate.

We will have keys in hand by Tuesday.  We have 2/3rds of our stuff in boxes or bins.  We are almost ready to move!  We just need the key :P.

We have grown from a basement with Christmas lights:

September-ish 2010

To a little room in the back of a computer shop:

To a conference room in a bank:
To our new location described above!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

We Accept Bitcoins!

Are you sick of bankers running your politics?  Make banks obsolete!

We accept your bitcoin for membership!  Don't have any bitcoins?  You can trade a few USD for one.  They've become pretty expensive since their popularity began to soar... but you can buy 1/1000th of one for currently 60 cents!  They'll always be redeemable for membership vouchers at MEH!

Here's what a Bitcoin is:

Here's why bankers don't like it(but can't do anything to stop it):

Make it so.