GHAhh! Things are picking up fast here! We're already getting emails from... fans? They all thank us for fighting the good fight! We've now got some dry wall up but it needs to be mudded/sanded before it can be painted. I have a design layout made by our resident guerilla artist on how the wall is going to look; he's going nuts waiting for our slow asses to finish the walls. I'm going to be so happy when it's done! I've subscribed to 2600 and I would like to make available my: programs, computers, books, magazines and literature.
Soon, I'll have a CEH training center so you'll have something to show for your efforts.
I've met with my charter members both as a group and individually to see what their desires and inputs are. I would like someone to champion a cause that could maintain synergy between us and other interest groups such as the Capital City Amatuer Radio Club, the high school computer science classes, the college gaming/computer club and the chamber of commerce with its ties to the local computer science businesses(Maximus, Northrop Grumman, Black Mountain, etc). Membership can be paid for in volunteer time(which is recorded by handle, date, duration and description)
-----------------How is the CEH coming, Saint?-----------------------
Glad you asked! :P My personal progress on the CEH: The CEH test is very comprehensive. I expected a watered-down quiz of theoretical usages and comprehension of CCNA-type functionality. I don't think anyone needs the CEH to be a hacker, but the CEH is damn-near impossible to get if you aren't a hacker. It seems to be more technology-based than I thought it would be.
I noticed that the practice tests were missing some minor things(mapping of hardware to create hardwired exploits such as key loggers and relay stations). Other than basic Social Engineering, I haven't found anything about psychology of security, which I believe is grossly overlooked.
I'm still on track to take the test Monday September 6th.
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