So we need to redecorate. No problem, we have the people to do that now. We also should set up our computers so we can have a better chance to maybe get DC406 to guest appear at MEH for one of their monthly meetings.
We finally got on Google Maps and we've also got a call button(as you may have noticed).
There are now 12 mehmbers in Meh and we'll only get more. We've gotten some great funding ideas and a couple small programming contracts.
Next Thursday will be on Ormandy's Java exploit. Often times people will make their computer *too* paranoid: Denying update access through a firewall is a sure way to open holes. Check out DC406 for more advanced hacking. We will go through setting up, installing and using Virt-ICE.
I wanted to have a "build your own projector" tutorial, but... I uh... I melted the Fresnel lens(Sorry T_T).
Oh! I also built another logo on a whim. I'm working on a Holiday Robot Gladiator flier. I want to have it done before the rules are hashed out.
Holiday Robot Gladiator competition rules are going to closely follow the original battle bots. We hope to have the rules reviewed and posted by noon on the 8th.
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