Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Pics of upcoming building

MEH will be GLORIOUS! Jan 12th!  We are moving into a new place.  Here's something to tide you over:

Tentative plans for new floor layout.  Hacker lab may get converted to Aquaponics Lab.

There are certain people I have made MEH for.  These are passionate, hilarious, yet lonely nerds.  Nerds--who are alone even when they're around others.  These people are the reason I want MEH to exist.  

Sometimes conversation... good... brilliant... daring conversation is like good sex... but it can last an entire day and can give birth to a beautiful idea(instead of a whiny miniature flesh golem waiting for some semblance of soul to be bludgeoned into it by the iron-cold hammer of reality).

Smart people can get really suicidal if they don't have opportunities to share their dreams and passions.  You essentially could die from blue-balls of the mind.

I'm just assuming that everything feels like shit right now.  Hang in there.  The hackspace is starting up with a loud "BLARGGGGG!!!""  over the rooftops of the state capital on Jan 12th!

PS:  Pics, or it didn't happen in my mind:
Engineering Bay

Welcome room(with crafting)

Hacker Lab(may become aquaponics and our competitive security team can just use the classroom)

Uhm... a hallway... with ADA access to our bathrooms 
Aforementioned Classroom(Only 5 students seats available, we don't intend on teaching large classes)

Electronics Room

What more do you want?  You want renderings of the bathroom?  go away!  Come back in a month!

oh fine... here:

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